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a Dynamic and Energetic guy.....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Add a Visual WebPart to a SandBox Solution in SharePoint 2010

When we create a Sandbox solution we can't add Visual Web-parts to it.
But it is mandatory when we create complex scenarios.
So we have a solution powered by Microsoft. --> "Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools"

1) First download the small patch

2) Install the package (SPPowerTools_x86)
3) It Installs plugin to VS 2010
4) After created a SharePoint project, we can add "Visual WebParts (Sandboxed)" to our project

5) Can program our CODE, add complex logic

6) Can add all web controls to our .ASCX file
7) Then we have, full Web controls enabled WebPart (SANDBOX)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Developer DashBoard In SharePoint 2010

1) Open Normal SharePoint Page, we can t see any dashboard item or ICON

2) Open command prompt and Change path to SharePoint 14 hive and type the command (STSADM)

3) OR, Open PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the PowerShell command
4) Open SharePoint page and view ICON in the top Right corner
5) View Data in the bottom panel of SharePoint page

*** It displays the time taken to load full page, any WebPart, render time for RIBBON and the execution time.

6) Can switch-off at any time with powershell command

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