When we need to display our
SharePoint portal with different languages we can enable site variations, that
is an in-built feature comes with SharePoint. For that first we need to
identify necessary languages for the proposed SharePoint site. In this case I
will configure Arabic language along with English.
First we need to download Arabic
Language Pack for SharePoint.
Then we have to install language pack
for application servers + web front end servers.
We can verify whether the relevant
LANGUAGE PACKS are installed via central administration.
In central administration àManage Patch Status
under “Upgrade and Migration” section
Then we have to go to relevant site
collection and,
Settings àVariation
There we can see current labels (in
this case, English) and I’m going to create new label for Arabic.
We will go through a 5 step wizard
and it starts by picking the necessary language. We will get a drop down with
the available languages. Then we have to pick a LOCALE also for the required
Then we have to assign a NAME to
LABEL. It will append to the URL (here http://spsvr:ar-sa)
There we have to specify “Display
Name” and “Hierarchy Creation”. We can choose,
Publishing sites, List and pages OR
Publishing pages OR
Root site only
In step 3, we have to specify how
we can set whether users to translate the whole SharePoint site. Machine
translation is also possible if “Machine Translation Service” is running on
We can check it via Central
Administration à
Services on Server
Then we have to go the step 4, that
is the CONTENT changing mechanism and Page Update behavior. There we can set
1) User can
manually sync update
2) Automatically
update sites using SharePoint timer jobs
After all, steps we can verify all
the settings in the Steps 5. Then Finish the wizard.
We can see our latest Site
variations in the
Site settings à Variation Labels as “ar-sa”
When we go to Site settings à Variation Logs, we can
see important messages. That is about SharePoint timer jobs.
So it is better to go and check newly created
SharePoint timer jobs,
It is called “Variations Create Hierarchies Job definition” and it will do the
content translation.
We have to wait our SharePoint
timer jobs do the backend work.
That will create of new SITES for
new Multi-linguals. In this scenario we can see newly create Sub-Site called
“Arabic (Saudi Arabia)” under root site collection.
When we go to the site we can Pages
are created and waiting for PUBLISH.
After that we have to Approve Page
to view normal users.
Then we can navigate to language
SITE that we want.
We can click the RIBBON and check
the content.
We can also take necessary actions
within the site with ARABIC language.
It is a cool feature that comes
with SharePoint to enable MULTI-LINGUAL sites.
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